Health And Wellness Tips For Remote Workers

Working from home became the norm during the 2020 COVID crisis. And as much good as it has done for us, it is not without its stresses. Whether you are in leadership for a large corporation or an entrepreneur trying to navigate remote work for the first time, there’s a good chance that you and your employees are all feeling a little worse for wear. Fortunately, you don’t have to let remote work stress squash your efforts toward being a success. Here are a few tips to keep the internal flames burning so that your team doesn’t get burned out.

Take some time off together.

Time away from work – even if it’s not in a brick-and-mortar office – is a great way to rekindle the passion you feel for your profession. Lead2Goals offers off-site company retreats that can help you relax, reset, and more importantly, give everyone a chance to learn how to work together in a team environment.


Taking a quick walk, heading to the gym, or visiting your apartment’s pool are all excellent exercises that will keep your body strong and your mind free and clear. Consider investing in a fitness tracker or smartwatch for your employees to help them remember to get up and get moving a few times each day. While they can certainly use a reminder on their phone instead, a fitness tracker is an excellent motivation that you can customize to suit your needs. A gift of a fitness tracker, smartwatch, and accessories will also be a welcome gift that may increase worker satisfaction.

Prioritize nutrition.

Another smart idea to banish burnout is to eat healthy all day. While you don’t necessarily have to eat a standard “bacon and eggs” breakfast, keeping healthy snacks, such as dried fruit, roasted chickpeas, and beef jerky at your desk will keep your energy up. You can encourage your employees to do the same by sending them a healthy snack box each month.


Meditating at work can help relieve stress, which Chopra contributor Rachelle Williams explains can, “improve the health and wellness of employees.” to meditate, close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and focus on your mind and body. There are different ways to meditate, and you don’t have to leave your desk (or banish the kids to the basement) to find a moment of Zen.

Focus on yourself for 30 minutes each day.

There are few things better in life than giving to other people to improve our mental health. But, evidence suggests that we also have to give a little love to ourselves. Focus exclusively on you for half an hour every day. You might read a chapter of a book, take a nap, or indulge in a bubble bath. Whatever your self-care choice, give yourself time each day to fuel your own needs.

Leave work in the (digital) office.

Do you ever feel like you’re working around the clock? Many of us do. One reason is that we are. Learn to leave work in the office, and you may just find that you actually have plenty of other interests outside of your professional endeavors. The CEO Hangout blog notes that one great way to accomplish this is to set hours and stick to them. It’s easy to get allured by the ease of working when your computer is three feet away, but that’s one of the worst things you can do for yourself and, honestly, for your business. Never having time off quickly leads to burnout and higher turnover ratios.

There’s no right way or wrong way to focus on your mental and physical health. But, doing so is good for business. The tips above can help you and your employees manifest your own version of wellness, no matter where in the world you all may be.

Cheryl Conklin | Writer, Blogger, Adventurer, & Traveler

Cheryl Conklin is an aspiring writer. She is also a blogger, adventurer, traveler, and creator of Wellness Central. She uses to share her thoughts on wellness along with the great resources she finds on her own wellness journey.

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