Respect | The Starting Point in the Circle of Trust

RespectThe word RESPECT is used as part of the process we have called The Circle of Trust. It is in fact the starting point in the process; to begin with respect for another person. From time to time though, we receive push back on this issue, with those who claim that “Respect is earned not given”. [...]

The Speed of Trust By Steven Covey

speed of trust

Steven M.R. Covey who is the son of the more famous Steven R. Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  The younger Covey is an expert in his own right in the area of leadership. The Speed of Trust:The One Thing That Changes Everything, Covey conveys that in the global marketplace now and in […]


Listen to Understand The second tenant of the Circle of Trust is a concept coined by the late Steven Covey, and that is to Listen to Understand. One of the best ways which I can describe what this means is to describe how most of us listen. We listen with the intention of replying, rather […]