Troubleshooting Teamwork by Hosting an Office Olympics

Troubleshooting Teamwork Having trouble with teamwork? Or maybe you’re teamwork is just fine, but there’s always room for improvement! One of our favorite team bonding exercises is the Office Olympics. This exercise allows everyone to compete, bond, and strengthen their team for the best outcome! The process is structured enough for everyone to feel included, […]
Preparation for the Day of the Presentation

In a previous article, we provided 5 tips that will help you in preparing the presentation you have been asked to give. Those tips as well as the ones we will be detailing here, will help insure that you will deliver the goods. Delivering the presentation is all about preparation! Now that you have your […]
Spouse Friendly Corporate Retreat

One of the difficulties organizations have in conducting a corporate retreat, is that many executives are uncomfortable traveling to an exotic location without their spouse or partner. Connect relationships from work to home by bringing your spouse! It is possible to organize a retreat to accommodate the spouses. To do so, there are several things […]
Strategic Planning for a Leadership Retreat

While an exotic location is always exciting, they are not always the best choice for an offsite retreat. For instance, if you are working on strategic planning, and anticipate long hours or intense sessions, I would not recommend a location where the participants had the distraction of what they may be missing. You want your people focused on […]
Why Vision Matters

One of the basic premises we live by is that in terms of corporate culture, Vision trumps Mission. A company’s mission is what they do, and why they do it. The mission is a cornerstone of any organization. We define vision as a place on the horizon. It’s a point that we can see, and […]
Preparing for an Offsite Leadership Retreat

Offsite Leadership Retreat Planning There are two major factors in the preparation for an offsite leadership retreat: logistics and content. This article will focus on the preparation necessary for the logistics of the retreat. Bear in mind that the purpose of the retreat plays a critical role in the logistics. The retreat location and activities […]
How to Make a Workshop Fun

In addition to retreats, Lead2Goals offers workshops which focus on topics like public speaking, team building, and affirmative leadership. Though our workshops are always rich in valuable content and actionable takeaways, there is one aspect we emphasize: fun. The question at hand, however, is how to make a workshop fun? At Lead2Goals, we’ve found that having fun is […]