7 Leadership Mistakes Every CEO Needs to Avoid

A group of business professionals engaged in a meeting around a conference table with large windows and a cityscape in the background.In the fast-paced world of business, even the most seasoned CEOs can stumble. Leadership is a complex journey filled with challenges and opportunities, and while success stories abound, the pitfalls are just as numerous. At Lead2Goals, we've seen firsthand the common mistakes that can derail even the most promising leaders. Here are the top 7 [...]

Understanding Trust | Part 1

business people shaking hands to demonstrate dependability, sincerity, and being vulnerableScholars have extensively examined the constructs of trust and trustworthiness throughout the years. They have found that these constructs are vital to establishing good relationships within business organizations. This includes the relationships between the company and its customers, its suppliers, and joint ventures. As you will soon see, two key components of trust are humility [...]

Understanding Trust | Part 2

business people shaking hands to demonstrate dependability, sincerity, and being vulnerablePart 1 of this blog covered the definition of trust, and its main components and characteristics. The first two components of trust; humility and empathy, were covered in great detail. In this second part of the blog, we will dive into the third characteristic of trust, which is vulnerability. Vulnerability may be the most important [...]

Make 2021 Happen for You

man reading business section of newspaperEveryone has a unique COVID experience when it comes to their business and I am no different. My story is that last February, I exited my company JUST as the virus was sweeping through North America. You might say, I lucked out. But… my intention was to immediately build something new, based on a business [...]

Top 6 Ideas for Conflict Resolution

A group of people looks tense as they stand around the computer working on the top 6 ideas for conflict resolutionConflict Resolution in the Workplace There are always going to be times when conflict arises, at work, and at home. The way that you deal with conflict in the workplace can have serious repercussions for your job, and your relationships with your co-workers. Our top 6 ideas for conflict resolution can give you an idea [...]

What Is Holding Your Company Back? | Growing Your Business

Growing Your Business You started this company from scratch, with an idea on the back of a napkin. Working your tail off, you broke 1 million in revenue, then 3 million and 5, and maybe even as high as 7 million dollars a year. It's clear that you have done well for yourself, but growing [...]

Our Top 5 List of Effective Meeting Strategies

Group around table with computers using a Top 5 List of Effective Meeting StrategiesEffective Meetings Strategies If you feel like meetings are a waste of time, it may be because you need better meeting management. New leaders can sometimes be unsure about how to run meetings, and even veteran leaders need reminders now and then. Meetings are a necessary part of business, but they don't have to be [...]