VIDEO TRANSCRIPT | CREATING A MISSION STATEMENT Mission statements have been misused for ages. They are often written by management consultants with total disregard for the intended audience. We believe your organization's mission statement should be written for your employees. Not your customers; not your shareholders; but for the people who have been tasked to [...]
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT | ORGANIZATIONAL VISION Vision. Many people do not understand the difference between a Vision and Mission statement. Here is some clarification. Your Vision can be defined as a place in the horizon in which your organization is hoping to achieve, while the Mission of the organization is what you do and why you [...]
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT | DEVELOPING CORE VALUES Core values are the beliefs you have that you live for and will fight for, no matter what. These are what we as an organization believe in and will fight for even if. Your core values are the ties that bind the organization together. Just think about it for a [...]