San Clemente PierSAN CLEMENTE, CALIFORNIA CORPORATE RETREAT LOCATION Perfectly situated between Los Angeles and San Diego, San Clemente, California is the perfect location for your off-site retreat. Whether it is a leadership development, strategic planning, or team-building retreat, Lead2Goals has the right place with the right workshops ready for your team, in San Clemente. Contact us today [...]

Planning a Corporate Retreat

corporate retreat

When planning a corporate retreat, the first step is to understand the purpose of the retreat. In addition, the importance of an understanding the organizers desired outcomes. While these are two very important considerations, the pre-retreat work for the facilitator does not stop there. There are several other factors that will assist you in determining […]

Spouse Friendly Corporate Retreat

spouse friendly

One of the difficulties organizations have in conducting a corporate retreat, is that many executives are uncomfortable traveling to an exotic location without their spouse or partner. Connect relationships from work to home by bringing your spouse! It is possible to organize a retreat to accommodate the spouses. To do so, there are several things […]