When you face a situation where opinions vary on a hot topic what do you do most of us either fight or flight. We fight for what it is that we want or we avoid the conversation altogether; neither’s a winning strategy. Fortunately, there’s a third way. We’ve developed a powerful workshop where you can learn how to speak your mind while allowing others to share their opinions. Both are key components that can turn potential conflict into meaningful dialogue. This process provides the platform to come up with the best possible solution for any issue, often better than what either party would have come up with on their own. By following the plan you’ll not only arrive at a better outcome for the problem at hand, you’ll enhance the relationship between the individuals by allowing for a divergent opinion to be shared and to create real dialogue.

During this program, you’ll learn the value of, as well as a process to create the safe space that will lead to meaningful dialogue and learn to speak your truth and an instructive method how empathetic listening skills will enhance a relationship and create synergy through dialogue. We can promise that you will leave with the tools, as well as the understanding, on how to practice and use the tools to enhance your communication skills.

For more information call (949) 202-5763 or email us at