Almost everybody would agree that on most days a championship team in almost any sport would beat a random collection of all-stars. Michael Jordan once said, “talent wins games but teamwork wins championships.” New workgroups are formed every day. In most cases, these ad hoc groups are formed to accomplish goals that have not clearly been defined. The objectives established by management may not even be valued by the members of the group. Creating a team out of a new group is a necessary component in order to accomplish the task. It’s easy to see the difference between members of the team versus those who have simply been thrown together in a group. It’s a shared sense of purpose combined with great communication that leaves the formation of a team from a collection of individuals.

In this unique four-hour workshop, you will learn to develop your own process that will lead to the formation of the team. The key components in this process are, (1) developing the norms; which are the rules in which the team will operate? (2) Establish a common vision or the goal we wish to achieve. (3) Create a shared sense of purpose or mission of the team. First to establish respect, then trust in each of the team members. Learn communication skills that all allow for synergy.

For more information call (949) 202-5763 or email us at